Sound Engineer for Mosaic
"Serving Christ in the new millennium"

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Blind Faith vs. No Faith

So many times, I talk to people that believe something but don't know why. We call this blind faith. It is important to understand why we believe what we believe not only so that we can share our beliefs with others - it is an important part of defending what we believe as well.

But is "blind faith" always negative? I don't believe so. The search for answers is part of everyone's life in some way, shape, or form. As I was sitting here thinking about how people come to know Christ, I started thinking more about the search for answers.

Accepting Christ as your Lord and Savior is the biggest decision anyone could ever make. And there is a lot of uncertainty that goes with this decision. Many decide to refute the possibility and legitimacy that God sent himself in human form to die for everyone's sins - past, present, and future. What Jesus wants is each of us to accept Him as our personal savior, confessing to Him that we are sinners and that we acknowledge, believe, and thank him for dying for us. This is where blind faith is important. I truly believe that the Lord will meet us halfway and help us find the answers that we are looking for. I don't think all the answers are necessary when they stand in between someone and their decision to accept Christ.

What is tough is to see people so caught up in the search for answers, that the search itself obscures the simple truth of mercy and salvation. So much of current day thinking is based around science. As man, we cannot have all the answers, because then we would be omniscient (all-knowing). God did not create man so that he could exist at the same level as God. God created man to know and freely serve Him. Part of the mystery of life and creation is to look around and see God in nature. The more we explore creation, and learn about it, the more we find we do not know. I think that science and the Bible can indeed work together. But with an acceptance of the Bible first, and proof by science later.

So, if I had to choose between blind faith and no faith at all, then I would have to choose blind faith. With blind faith we can still find the answers to substantiate and understand our beliefs. After all, the search for answers is temporary....eternity is not.


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