Sound Engineer for Mosaic
"Serving Christ in the new millennium"

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Driving in the Dark

So I've been having some issues with the headlights on my car. I replaced them about a week ago. Two days after I replaced them, they just didn't seem as bright. I checked out the reflection in the car in front of me at a stop light and guess what....another lamp is burned out. I'm thinking how could this be happening, I JUST bought these! So I made a mental note to take them back and TRY to exchange them (though it seems like I would have as much success returning those as taking a half-eaten loaf of bread back to the grocery). :) Then yesterday...I get in the car after work and the other bulb is out to! So I go to the auto parts store to pick up a new set. I pull into the parking lot and park. Then I figure I'll check under the hood (as all of us guys do). I pull the hood release and the cable is broken. I can't seem to get the hood open. So, I decide to leave and head home in spite of my dilemma. Driving home in the dark is NOT fun, trust me! I had an appointment to go to and had a long day at work, so I wasn't thinking as clearly as I should have been. "Ed, why didn't you use your brights?" That's what I said to myself when I got home. :) You don't realize how many overhead lights are out on the Interstates here until you really need them.

I get home and manage to finally get the hood open so I can replace one of the faulty bulbs with the only old one that still worked. I make it out to Amy's to do some computer work. Now you're thinking, "Great, so now Ed can see at night whilst driving." Yes and No. I was leaving Jason's tonight and the single headlight bulb that I had JUST replaced died. I know it was old, but c'mon people - what are the odds? (LOL)

So as crazy as all this was, I did learn something. But it just came to me before I sat down at the computer. I think we as humans sometimes drive around "in the dark". What do I mean by that? Well, sometimes we don't have clear direction. At least not in every single aspect of our lives at all times. I feel like we are tested in this manner too. Are we so caught up in the occasional dark moments that we don't find alternative guidance or "light"? Myself using the highway's overhead lights seemed like a good plan at the time. But it is like depending on the world instead of depending on God when the lights on the road get dark. You can't always count on the world. But Jesus never does let us down. I could've turned on my brights, but I didn't think to. That doesn't change the fact that they were there ready to be used. I might have upset some people, but that wouldn't have been as serious as not using the light. In that case, I would have been noticed by more cars and would have had a safer trip home. I don't want to drive this analogy (pardon the pun) into the ground. But I just wanted to share it with you. We should all make an effort to notice the lights in our life. Are they dim? Can we make them any brighter? Or are we just getting by with one light instead of two?

Jesus wants both of our lights to shine as brightly as possible so that the world might see where we are headed.


Sunday, January 29, 2006

Mosaic Church

We had our second service today and it was totally awesome! Somewhere around 340 people showed up today. The praise and worship was amazing today as always (Gil is an INCREDIBLE leader & the band doesn't slack either). So far, it hurts me to break down the sound equipment each week when it sounds so good. We were pushing 110 dB today (C-weighting, A-weighting it was more like 100 dB - what the heck? {click here}) and it sounded phenomenal. When the Charlotte Observer said it was like a church and rock concert all in one, they weren't kidding! I am looking forward to our third service next week. :)

I never thought the weeks would fly by so fast. I spend the week in anticipation of being able to do it all again. It is so great to be able to serve the Lord and do something I love to do - engineering sound. God has truly blessed me with Mosaic. I hope to bless others through Mosaic as well. Hold on Charlotte, you're in for a treat!

It was long overdue for me to have a blog, so here it is. More to come soon. Blogspot rocks...
